Turnip Flan

When I told my husband that we were having turnip flan for dinner, he seemed genuinely intrigued.  Sitting down to eat, he remarked that I appeared to be doing whatever I could do to get rid of turnips.  I wonder what gave him that idea.

In fact, there are many eminently reasonable and well-tested recipes for turnips. But instead of making any of them, I’ve been experimenting with several more arcane uses.  Compared to turnip cake, turnip flan is much more accessible to the average eater.  It has all the right elements to mellow out the turnip flavor, and is a light savory addition to a main dish.  We both really liked it.
I wish I could say that I came up with this, but it’s really just a minor modification of a great recipe from Eggs on Sunday.  But now that I have made it, I’m dying to see what else I can turn into a flan!  This recipe makes enough for 4 large ramekins.  It is really light, so serve it with a large salad.
Turnip Flan
12 oz turnips, cubed
4 eggs
1/2 C cream
salt and pepper
Boil the turnips until very soft.  Transfer to a food processor and blend until smooth.  Add all remaining ingredients to the food processor and mix well.  Preheat oven to 325.
Butter 4 large ramekins.  Divide the flan batter evenly among the ramekins, and place the ramekins in a bain marie.  Bake for 40 – 45 minutes or until a tester comes out clean.  Serve warm or at room temperature.

About christianathomas

I'm a working mother of two trying to make eating well fit into our hectic lives. I also used to own a completely chaotic bakery. Follow me for tips and tricks on how to get more whole foods into your diet.
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